Removing the Placeholders

People who are familiar with Project Arcmör know that it's about hiding from murderous aliens who stalk you through an abandoned spaceship.

They may not know that the aliens originally looked like this: 

Placeholder art (for Donald) and text (for Peter) is a useful way to sidestep the chicken-or-egg problems encountered in game design: questions like "How do we write out this scene if we don't know what it looks like?" get answered with other questions, like "How do we create art for a scene that hasn't been written?"

And placeholders have worked well enough for other game developers.

Untitled Goose Game is called that because I mistakenly sent out a Fantastic Arcade press release with a placeholder submission name and they just rolled with it.
— Wiley Wiggins (@wileywiggins) March 23, 2021

But it's time to get excited! There's about a month left before the official, expanded, complete version of Tonciven is released, and that means that more of the images like this:

Are becoming much more polished:

The results are shaping up pretty well.

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